The plot thickens in fright last week in Miami Beach mansion Lil Wayne ... the guy lurking around the house Wayne told cops he was there at the invitation of Wayne, but Wayne was not even there.

Broke the story ... cops were called at 3am on Saturday after a suspect was seen hanging around the place. A witness told that someone gave police permission to come to the property of Wayne and inside the house but found nothing unusual.
We are told that the police then saw the guy out and he grilled. Lil Wayne said had given him permission to enter, but when the police told him that Wayne was not there the kind of collapsed history.
It's a tense time for Wayne, who is locked in a battle with his mentor Birdman and cash.
At the end ... the prowler had done nothing wrong. He did not enter the property so there was no crime. The man went and police called it a day.